Personal Change Process

Tale of the Day: Befriending Critical Internal Voices Lucy was working on a manuscript and wanted to become more comfortable in her writing. She wanted to improve her ability to let the information flow easily into type when she sat down to write, instead of having...

Tale of the Day: Trusting the unconscious Recently I had a client come to me because of a “big black sea of emotions.” Frank told me he felt tense, like he didn’t even want to “go there.” I began by working with the part of him...

Tale of the Day: Rewinding out of a bad experience Did you ever wish you could press rewind and just reverse right out of a bad experience? Well it’s actually possible. I know because I do it about three times per year. And it works every time. I...

Tale of the Day: Sleepless Nights? Lack of sleep negatively impacts all areas of life. Countless studies show lack of sleep correlated with huge losses in productivity, happiness, safety, and long-term health and longevity. “Sandy” came to me recently complaining of severe lack of sleep. It could...

Tale of the Day: Bringing extreme blood pressure back into balance. Diane came to me in late October of 2012 because of dangerously high blood pressure over the previous ten months. Her doctor had put her on medication (Labetalol) in an attempt to bring her blood pressure...