Taught by Mark Andreas, Coming to Wholeness Trainer USA
Sponsored by Marina Denisenko
October 12-14, 2018
And what does this have to do with resolving our life problems?
“That was amazing. I felt like I dropped down into a, just dropped down into something really deep, instantly… When the ‘I’ dissolved, my awareness went into the other person. I was suddenly aware of her experience. So I went out of me being in my situation with my frustration and going to suddenly being in her experience. It let me recognize her. Like, ‘Wait a minute, what’s her experience in all this?’ Then it wasn’t about ‘I.’ ~Sharon, participant in Mark’s Coming to Wholeness workshop at the Hypnothoughts Live Conference.
“I’ve been at this hypnosis conference for 3 days now, going in and out of trances, and that simple thing you said just put me into the deepest trance yet.” ~ Anonymous participant at Mark’s Coming to Wholeness workshop at the Hypnothoughts Live Conference.
Mark Andreas lives in Boulder CO, where he has a private practice offering individual sessions assisting people in achieving life-goals and resolving limitations using NLP, Wholeness Process, and other methods for personal transformation and development. Mark Also trains Nationally and Internationally. Together with his parents Steve and Connirae Andreas, Mark co-sponsors Andreas NLP Trainings, which hosts a variety of innovative trainers and trainings at the growing edge of the NLP field. Mark is Author of the book “Sweet Fruit from the Bitter Tree: 61 stories of creative and compassionate ways out of conflict,” endorsed by Dan Millman and William Ury, and “Waltzing with Wolverines: finding connection and cooperation with troubled teens,” a collection of stories and principles for working with youth based on his two years leading groups of at-risk teens for a wilderness therapy program in Colorado.